
Sunny Rain

A time of various thunderstorms, earthquakes and heavy rain falls have refreshened the city and nature around here - yet there's tension in the air. Not only on a climatic level - also politically and even within the same Arte Acción, things seem to be changing... I am not going to dig into the political atmosphere - for anybody interested, please look at http://www.hondurasthisweek.com/national/1131-where-is-the-fourth-box-taking-us

On Arte Acción's level, we are trying to make a plan for the next months, including an official art therapy programme - that so far exists on paper, but only parts of it have begon to be implemented into practice. As you know I started with collective therapy a few weeks ago. Luckily the girls keep coming each week - with enthousiasm and openness to share and experience their personal, creative development process. Now, the reflections go a little deeper. The girls start to talk about personal needs and wishes, about negative feelings, pain, confusion . The last time, two of them made a painting that they did not even want to reflect on.
In another situation I had an individual confrontation with one of my clients, where she suddenly told me all about her past, her difficult relationship towards her mother who never protected her, even not when she was abused by her stepfather. A story, that is not the first of its kind. What caught my attention especially, was that she said that she would like very much to "leave behind" the role of the insecure child. She said she would like to feel stronger and with more confidence towards herself and others.Within the short future, we'll have teambuilding activities, with the youth such as with the adult team of Arte Acción. I am looking forward to work with Sija - a Dutch dancer (and soon to be dancetherapist) who will come to Tegucigalpa at the end of july in order to share some of her abilities within Arte Acción. I hope we will arrange some nice, creative exercises together - to stimulate the personal and social formation of all team-members.
Yes. There are lots of activities planned - ready to evolve in practice.
Me myself, I am reading much and trying to establish my place of peace and rest. This city - especially these days, with much humidity, mosquitos and tension in the air - has quite some tiring effect on me. Often, I have to go running or at least moving a lot - to get rid of the accumulated stress - or hang in front of a ventilator, to keep the mind cool.