The art therapy manual is handed in to the co-direction of Arte Acción for a last revision, before sending it to the editor. It was quite some work to write such a thing, with theoretical and practical information about art therapy, especially the description of the activities that will be carried out by complete unexperienced people in the area of art therapy, but also by interested psychologists or social workers. Now there's about 90 pages that have to be proven to be understandable and applicable for anyone.
The process of validation will take us maybe 4 weeks of hard work with a group of around 8 persons. I am a little nervous about how and when we will realize this process, as my working contract is finishing at the end of February next year. With the Christmas vacation, this means we have only about 2 and a half months left to work here. Our journey back to Europe is planned for the end of march.
I feel that only a part of the goals originally established can be reached upon that date. “Ni modo.” here they say, like “This is the way it is, there's no way back and we have to accept it.”
Right now I am still busy with accompanying a collective therapy for young women, also I have some young men attending an art therapy process. Finally.
On top of that, the co-direction of Arte Acción is receiving some art therapeutic attention. I prefer not to call it therapy itself, it would be more like a coaching or orientation for them. We talk about (and experience creatively) how to discharge certain energies, exploring some interior feelings and how to communicate these.
The 3 members of the co-direction are charged with too much work and preoccupation. They are investing all their time and energy into benefiting the youth that is being supported by the organization, up to the point of being very tired and not spending time with their families. Even the communication between themselves is not flowing well. Sometimes I ask myself how the youth is going to learn, grow and develop within an organization, where the co-direction is exhausted as an example.
All this has to do with different circumstances. They are trying to do the best they can to maintain their work functional and ideal. The main circumstance that hinders an even flow within the organization, is that they must constantly fight to be able to “survive” as an institution. The Honduran government does not support with even one cent, as there's almost no money for any non profit cultural or artistic movement that would benefit only the population. So our organization, as many others in this sector, depend on donations or products that can be sold for a good price. In order to obtain either donations or quality products, as for artistic presentations and community activities, the organization has to work hard and creatively.
This week they presented a spectacular new drama, called La ofrenda a Yaxché. It counts with gigantic puppets, amazing costumes and a profound story, as an adaption of the Popol Vuh, the Mayan Quiché book of creation. The drama reflects the creation of animals, spirits and humans - and finally tells us about the corruption of men, making the topic fit well into the context of the country and its situation.
Here are some pictures, taken during and after their last presentation.